Plan a Pirate narrative outlining:
- Character/s
- Setting
- Problem
- Solution
To help with the writing of your narrative here are some words and phrases you can use in your Pirate Narrative:
Ahoy! - Hello
Aye! - Yes
Booty - Treasure
Colors - Flag
Matey - Shipmate or friend
Hearties - Friends
Lass - Woman or girl
Avast! - Stop
Blimey! - Something to say when frustrated
Savvy? - Do you understand?
Shiver me timbers! - Something to say when you are surprised
Yo-ho-ho - Something to say when happy
Ye - Use this instead of "you"
Aft - The back of the ship
Bilge - Bottom of the ship
Fore - Front of the ship
Port - Left side of the ship
Starboard - Right side of the ship
Buccaneer - Another name for pirate
Lad - Young man
Scallywag - Someone you don't trust
Shanty - Song
Cutlass - Pirate's sword
Doubloons - Gold coins or money
Jolly Roger - The flag of a pirate ship
Hornswaggle - Cheat someone
Marooned - To get stuck on a desert island
Walk the plank - To be forced to walk off a plank of the ship into the ocean
Weigh Anchor - Get the ship ready to sail