Sunday, 18 September 2016

Class Economy- Mufti Day

Well done to all the Year 4 classes who have worked hard to earn money during the last 4 weeks of classroom economy. Children will be able to spend the 'money' they have earned this week. For $100 children can wear mufti to school on Wednesday.

Children going on the Wastewise trip need to wear their uniforms for the trip but can get changed into mufti when we return to school. 

Year 4 Teachers

Monday, 12 September 2016

Roald Dahl 100

Today Room 8 are Marking 100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl – the world’s number one storyteller. ... 2016 marks100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl - the world’s number one storyteller. ...  

We wrote our own dreams for the BFG's dream shelf.

Here is the link for the official Roald Dahl Website. Its got some great games and information on there for you to check out.

Roald Dahl - Official Website

Sunday, 4 September 2016

W.A.L.T: Identify and explain goods and services

Today we learnt what are goods and services. We watched this clip which explains what goods and services are.

We had to identify and explain what is a good or service and why. The explaining gets us to relational.
Our next step is to create our own service that we could provide.